

Our purpose is to partner with parents and caregivers to raise children who know, love, and serve Jesus. We hope to share the life-changing message of the gospel, providing opportunities to grow, connect, and reach out to others.

If you know you will be visiting us on a Sunday, you’re welcome to pre-register below.CCKids_Pre_Register_Button

If you are interested in serving with CCKids! Please fill out the volunteer form below.CCKids_Volunteer_Button


Nursery (9am & 10:45am)

Our excellent well-baby nurseries are staffed with quality, trained, caring Christian workers. From birth, your child is nurtured through Christian music and Bible teaching in a secure and loving setting. Parents are encouraged to visit and volunteer in their child's room.

Preschool(9am & 10:45am)

With the Gospel Project curriculum, our children learn to recognize that the Bible is God's word and that God loves and cares for each of them. Through active engagement in every Bible account, the children experience God's love and get to know Jesus. Crafts, games, and playtime are all used to reinforce a child's learning.

K-5th Grade - Sunday School (9am)

With the Gospel Project curriculum, our children learn to recognize that the Bible is God's word and that God loves and cares for each of them. Through active engagement in every Bible account, the children experience God's love and get to know Jesus. Crafts, games, and playtime are all used to reinforce a child's learning

K-5th Grade - Kids Church (10:45am)

Children in kindergarten through 5th grade attend the first half of the main worship service with their parents for corporate worship. Before the sermon, they are dismissed to Kids Church which meets in room 101 in the Family Life Center (FLC-101). This is a time of Bible learning, games, activities, and growing together to be more like Jesus. Through the Gospel Project curriculum, kids will discover a Christ-centered, chronological study of Scripture that covers Genesis to Revelation, showcasing the redemption story throughout scripture and highlighting the Christ Connection in each lesson.  


AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, 2 Tim. 2:15) is a club that combines high relational engagement through games and activities with rich scriptural engagement through Bible learning and scripture memorization to disciple children 3 years old through 5th grade. AWANA meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 8:15pm. AWANA runs from mid-August through the end of April.


Cubbies celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3 to 5 years old) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son, and His Word. Parents are encouraged to engage in basic scripture memory activities to help their child grasp simple biblical truths. Each week, children will engage with their leaders in memorizing scripture, singing songs, and character-building activities.


Sparks ignite curiosity of early elementary age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. They will build a foundation of biblical wisdom through memory verse drills, crafts, activities and review of key doctrine and Bible facts.

Truth & Training

T&T engages 3rd thru 5th graders by answering questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ’s grace. Truth and Training focuses on deepening kids’ understanding of biblical truth as well as giving them stronger application of goldy principles to live out their faith to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

For more information email Naomi Bales at


[Click Here] for more information about our Children's Choirs.


If you are interested in serving with CCKids, fill out and submit our volunteer form
[Click Here] for details about our volunteering opportunities.


Christ Community Church desires to partner with your family. We have identified six seasons in the life of your child and have developed a biblical plan to assist you in each area. Every “Milepost” listed has suggested activities, concepts, and reading based on what we feel are that season’s greatest challenges and opportunities. [Click Here] to download a pdf copy of our Mileposts Family Guide.