I was born and raised here in Tucson, AZ, growing up in a home where my parents professed no faith in God. They were highly moral people who taught me to be kind, respectful, faithful, and honest, but were open to me choosing whatever faith I desired.
As a child I had occasional moments of going to church with friends, but nothing consistent. My high school friends Shevawn (Head) Ramsey and Claire (Rodriguez) Alameda were faithful to witness to me about the love of Jesus, and on a Saturday night in May of 1974 I prayed with them to turn my life over to Christ. I came to Christ Community Church the next morning and joke that the church hasn’t been able to get rid of me since!
After graduating from Cholla High School I went off to college at Northern Arizona University to pursue a degree in nursing. I continued to grow in my love for Christ while being involved in Campus Ambassadors and the Beaver Street Baptist church. A few years into the nursing program I realized I didn’t want to be a nurse when I grew up! Taking a year off from college and working as a surgical assistant I came to realize that my heart was in music, so I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Choral Music Education at the University of Arizona. Christ Community Church hired me to work part time until I finished my degree and then hired me full time.
In working here since 1982 I realize I have grown up here at CCC, physically, spiritually, academically, and professionally and the people here continue to be considered my family.
I married the good looking tenor from Colorado, Andy Stang in 1989, and together we have 2 children. Courtney, a graduate from the University of Arizona in Anthropology, and Cameron, a graduate from the University of Northern Colorado in Musical Theatre. We are in that season of life having moved from benevolent dictators to more of the mentor/spiritual guide/significant influence/wise sage type of parents. This means being seen occasionally with duct tape over our mouths as we work toward allowing them to utilize what we’ve tried to pour into them in the previous years and grow into mature adults who trust God and run to His arms when fleeing the temptations life puts before them.
I continue to marvel each day that God allows me the privilege of working here at Christ Community and I pray that in the end God will be able to say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Contact: cstang@ccctucson.org