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Hands of Hope

Hands of Hope

John Tabor, Tucson AZ

Do you have pregnancy concerns? Visit

Caring & knowledgeable staff provide a wide range of services and are there to help you and your baby.

Free Services

Free Pregnancy Testing

If you think you may be pregnant, the qualified staff at the Women’s Pregnancy Centers are waiting to help you. First a counselor will ask you a few questions and get to know you better. Then, you will be assisted with a pregnancy test and you will have the result from that test the same day. We will go far beyond the results of your free pregnancy test. Our counselors have been trained to discuss many different issues you may be facing, like life style changes that might prevent the need for a test in the future, your attitude regarding abortion and adoption and ways in which Women Pregnancy Centers can help you carry your baby to term. Call 520-622-5774

Confidential Pregnancy

Information and Education If you think you may be pregnant, the qualified staff at the Woman’s Pregnancy Center are waiting to help you. We make sure you know all the facts about abortion, adoption, pregnancy or other issues you might be facing. Call 520-622-5774 Doctor Consultations Find out answers for your abortion questions or get a second opinion from a doctor on pregnancies with medical complications.

STD Education

Concerned about STD? Need more information? View our page on STD Informaiton or talk to our qualified staff. Mentoring Program Earn As You Learn Program Prenatal Clinic We gladly provide clients referred to us from the WPCs with total prenatal care. Our doctors offer physical exams and routine OB care throughout the mother’s pregnancy, including all necessary lab work. Early ultrasounds are performed by ultrasound techs at the Women’s Pregnancy Centers.

Miscarriage Support Group

In Heaven’s Cradle is a support group reaching out to the women who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, or early infant death. This Bible study will last for eight-weeks and minister to women who are struggling with feelings of grief, anger, and depression that often accompany such tragic loss. It is also designed to reach out to the non-Christian as it presents the life-changing gospel through the Word of God.

Post-Abortion Counseling

If you choose to have an abortion, we will not abandon you. The symptoms of Post Abortion Syndrome can surface immediately following an abortion or be suppressed for many years. PACE is offered to help you and other post-abortive individuals deal with the emotional consequences of abortion. In addition, our centers have reached out to local women’s prisons where counselors have held PACE classes with inmates.