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Our Values


Centered on the GOSPEL: The gospel is the good news that Jesus has come to our rescue. Everything we do as a church is shaped by the powerful reality of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection (Rom. 1:16)


Submitted to SCRIPTUREAs God’s very Word, we embrace the Bible as the ultimate authority for what we teach, how we worship, and the way we live our lives (2 Tim. 3:16-17).


Submitted to COMMUNITYGrowth happens best in Christ-centered community, and we’re committed to connecting people into authentic, transforming relationships (Heb. 10:24-25).


Living on MISSIONWe’re joining Jesus in the great adventure of reaching our neighbors, our city, and our world with the transforming message of God’s saving grace (Matt. 28:18-20).


Devoted to the FAMILYThe family is fundamental to God’s plan for human flourishing, and so we aim to support, encourage, and build up healthy, God-centered families (Josh. 24:15)


Committed to UNITY IN DIVERSITYWe want the gospel’s power to be seen in the makeup of our church as the Holy Spirit brings together people from many walks of life into one unified body (Eph. 3:10).