

We are a private Christian school providing care for children from 1-year-olds through eighth grade. We believe that parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children and effective education happens as a result of intentional actions on the part of parents, teachers, and school staff partnering together to best meet the child’s needs. We view our school as a unique opportunity to introduce children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ while providing a quality education in a nurturing environment. Our goal at FLA is to equip our students to live God glorifying lives, viewing the world through His eyes, and impacting the world for Him.


Get the Biblical support and guidance your child deserves with Christ Community Church's Family Life Academy Early Education. Led by a trustworthy group of teachers and caregivers, this God-led school will teach your youngsters as well as take care of them throughout the day. Never worry about the environment your child is in at Family Life Academy!


We are an open enrollment private Christian school in Tucson, AZ currently providing Kindergarten through 8th grade classes. Effective schooling happens as a result of intentional actions on the part of everyone. We view our school as a unique opportunity to introduce children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ while providing a quality education in a nurturing environment. Our goal at FLA is to equip our students to live in the world created by God and to impact this world for Him. We eagerly invite you to participate, as much as possible, in your child’s education. "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Luke 18:16)

Visit our website: familylifeacademy.org


Head Administrator: Diane Yeager
Early Education Director: Michele Aguilar
Assistant Administrator: Tim Boyd
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant: Maria Mejias
Finance Coordinator: Leslie Valdez

If you have any questions, please email Diane Yeager at dyeager@ccctucson.org
Phone Contact: 520-296-8989