February 4, 2018

Is Faith Alone In Faith Alone

Preacher: Dr Darryl DelHousaye Series: Faith That Works Scripture: James 1:19–27

Discussion Questions: James 1:19-27
Printing Instructions: 
If you would like to print these discussion questions for use in your Community Group or other study, you must first highlight the text, then right click and select "print" from the drop down menu that appears. 

  1. In verses 19-20, James instructs us to be “quick” to hear, and “slow” to speak, as well as “slow” to anger, because unrighteous anger does not produce the righteous life God desires for us. In your opinion, how does listening and speaking relate to anger?  What is James trying to teach us by tying these concepts together?
  2. Still on the topic of anger, in verse 21, James tells us to “receive with meekness the implanted word.” What is the ultimate solution to our anger issues according to this verse?
  3. Verses 22-25 speak to the problem of hearing God’s Word, but failing to do what it says. James gives the example of someone who looks in the mirror, then walks away forgetting what they look like.  Have you ever experienced the problem of hearing lots of sermons, doing countless Bible studies, and reading various Scriptures, but repeatedly failing to apply what you hear?  Why is it so easy for us to fall into this trap?
  4. Verse 25 urges us to look into God’s Word (the “perfect law of liberty”) and persevere in doing what it says. What practical steps can we take to ensure that we are responding to God’s Word, and not just hearing it?  As a group, brainstorm ideas about how to become “doers” and not just “hearers” who forget.
  5. In verses 26-27, James boils down “true religion” to controlling your tongue, visiting orphans and widows in their need, and keeping yourself unstained from worldliness. How would most people in our world define “true religion” and how do their definitions compare with James’ list here?  How do you think we’re doing as a church, as a community group, and as individuals in living out James’ vision for true religion?
  6. As you look at this passage as a whole, which of the topics that James addresses are especially convicting to you? Are there any areas of sin in your life that the Holy Spirit is pointing out to you?  What practical steps do you need to take to change in these areas, and how can this community group encourage and support you?

Prayer suggestion: Spend time praying for one another based on the answers given to question 6 above.   Have each person in the community group volunteer to pray for the needs of one other person in the group. 

other sermons in this series

Apr 8


Faith That Prays

Preacher: Eric Naus Scripture: James 5:13–20 Series: Faith That Works

Mar 25


Faith That Waits

Preacher: Eric Naus Scripture: James 5:7–12 Series: Faith That Works

Mar 18


The Poverty of Self-Sovereignty

Preacher: Rob Davis Scripture: James 4:13– 5:6 Series: Faith That Works