Visible Christianity: Communion
Preacher: Rob Davis Series: Visible Christianity Topic: Communion
Community Group Questions: Visible Christianity: Communion
Printing Instructions: To print these discussion questions for use in your Community Group or other study, first highlight the text, then right click and select "print" from the dropdown menu that appears.
- Read 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 aloud as a group. This is likely the most recognizable passage in the Bible concerning the matter of the Lord’s Supper. What about this particular passage is familiar to you? What was new to you after reading it again, and/or hearing the message on this text?
- In your own words, summarize Paul’s main concern with the Corinthian’s practice of the Lord’s Supper. How did their practice of it contradict what Jesus intended when he first passed it on to his disciples?
- The rebuking language of Paul was in response to the Corinthian’s lack of reverence toward the Lord’s Supper. The sacred nature was missing for them, perhaps because they had lost sight of what it symbolized. We discussed three things symbolized by the Lord’s Supper: 1) the unity of the body of believers (v.17-22, 33-35), 2) our new covenant with Christ (v.23-26), and 3) relational authenticity (v.27-32). Which of these three were you most aware of, and which was new to you?
- How should the sacred symbolism of communion change our practice of it? Of the three things symbolized by communion, which one needs to be a primary area of focus for you as you celebrate the Lord’s Supper going forward?
- The next time you engage in communion with your church family, how will your heart attitudes and actions be different as a result of thinking through this passage of Scripture?
Prayer suggestion: Thank Jesus for his body and blood given for us on the cross. Ask God for help in practicing the Lord’s Supper with sacred reverence.
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