July 1, 2018

Envy's Antidote

Preacher: Tim Arrington Series: For Every Season Topic: Cultural Influence Scripture: Psalm 73

Community Group Questions: For Every Season - Psalm 73 - "Envy's Antidote"

Printing Instructions: To print these discussion questions for use in your Community Group or other study, first highlight the text, then right click and select "print" from the dropdown menu that appears.

Read Psalm 73 together as a small group and then work through the following questions:

  1. Asaph openly admits in this Psalm that he had personally struggled with envy. He was envious of the success and wealth of the unbelievers (arrogant wicked) around him. Have you ever felt the same way? Explain?
  2. Have you ever been mistreated by a person of great wealth (or someone who wielded great power)? How did you react to their treatment?
  3. Asaph’s problem had such a deep affect on him that he began to doubt whether serving God was worth it. Have you ever experienced such personal despair? What helped you through that experience?
  4. Asaph’s role as a temple choir director (worship leader) created a unique challenge for him. Explain his personal challenge and what helped him overcome it.
  5. Ultimately, what was the antidote for the envy that Asaph was feeling? (James 4:8a)
  6. Asaph gained a renewed perspective regarding the destiny of the arrogant, wicked unbelievers around him. Now that we have that same perspective, what should our response be to those unbelievers around us?


Prayer exercise: Spend time in prayer confessing any doubts or questions we may have about God's goodness.  Thank Him for His forgiveness, and the comfort He grants us when we face uncertainty. 

other sermons in this series

Aug 5


The Anatomy of Praise

Preacher: Eric Naus Scripture: Psalm 150 Series: For Every Season

Jul 29


THE Great Wonder of the World

Preacher: Rob Davis Scripture: Psalm 145 Series: For Every Season

Jul 22


The Power of Knowing God Knows

Preacher: Eric Naus Scripture: Psalm 139 Series: For Every Season