As For Me and My House
Preacher: Rob Davis Series: Family Matters Scripture: Joshua 24:1–15
Community Group Questions: Family Matters - Joshua 24:1-15 - "As For Me and My House"
Printing Instructions: To print these discussion questions for use in your Community Group or other study, first highlight the text, then right click and select "print" from the dropdown menu that appears.
Read Joshua 24:1-15 aloud as a group, and work through the following discussion questions:
- Joshua’s bold commitment to serve and follow God whole-heartedly in verse 15, comes from his awareness of God’s goodness and faithfulness (verses -13). Why do you think that is? What is your primary motivation for trying to serve and follow God? Is it guilt? A sense of obligation? Fear? Or, like Joshua, do you serve Him and follow Him because of all He’s done for you?
- Are you able to recognize God’s goodness and faithfulness in your life? If not, what prevents you from doing so? What strength do we find as we recall God’s goodness and faithfulness toward us?
- Joshua warned the nation of Israel of the dangers of the false gods that surrounded them, knowing that these gods would stand in the way of them making a full commitment to serving the Lord. What are some of the false gods or idols that threaten your commitment to the Lord? What steps can you take to break the stronghold these idols may have on your heart?
- What are some of the more common ‘gods of the Ammorites’ – those modern-day idols that you think threaten a family’s commitment to the Lord? How can we spiritually insulate our families from these idols?
- Joshua calls the people to make a decisive decision in verse 15. It’s similar to Elijah’s request in 1 Kings 18:21; to Jesus’ request in Matthew 12:30; and James’ statement in James 4:4 (consider re-reading these passages). Why is a 100% commitment to the Lord the only proper way to follow Him? What threatens your ability to commit fully?
- Are you prepared to stand for Christ, even though all of your peers around you may not? Take time to pray for one another, that God would give you the strength you need to boldly and faithfully serve and follow Him one hundred percent.
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