November 25, 2018

Extravagant Exit

Preacher: Rob Davis Series: Slaves to Sons Scripture: Exodus 12:29–42

Community Group Questions: Exodus 12:29-42 "Extravagant Exit"

Printing Instructions: To print these discussion questions for use in your Community Group or other study, first highlight the text, then right click and select "print" from the dropdown menu that appears.

Read Exodus 12:29-42 aloud as a group, and then work through the following discussion questions:

  1. The exodus account found in chapter 12 is something the nation of Israel had been anticipating for a long time. Picture yourself there at this time. What do you imagine you would have felt/experienced as you saw this exodus begin to unfold after such a long waiting period?
  2.  Embodied in the story of the exodus are several characteristics of salvation that make it extravagant. Verses 29-32 illustrate God’s mighty power within the context of salvation. Where specifically can you identify God’s mighty power in this account? Share about how you’ve seen God’s mighty power in your own story of salvation, or the story of someone else in your life. 
  1. Verses 33-36 tell us that when Israel left Egypt, it was with an abundance of treasure. God did not take a minimalist approach to their rescue. The story of salvation today is one marked by God’s abundant blessings (see Romans 8:32 and 2 Cor. 1:20). Can you identify these in your life and your story of salvation? How does recognizing the abundant blessings of our salvation make us effective in reaching others with the Gospel? 
  1. In verses 37-39 we find that a “mixed multitude” went up out of Egypt with the Israelites. We can speculate that this mixed multitude likely included some Egyptians. If so, why do you think an Egyptian would have wanted to leave with the Israelite exodus? This mixed multitude reminds us that God’s plan for salvation is universal, extending beyond just His chosen people. Have you either consciously or subconsciously narrowed your view of salvation to exclude someone who you think would never come to faith in Christ? 
  1. The closing verses of this account, verses 40-42, reveal the decisive provision of salvation. God’s timing, His means, and the effect of His rescue were all decisive. What hope and confidence do you find in your awareness that salvation has come about exactly as God intended it to? What hope does it give you as you think about loved ones who do not yet know Christ as Savior? 
  1. Take some time as a group to thank God for His extravagant gift of salvation – ask Him specifically to restore your awe and wonder for the extravagant nature of it, and for opportunities to share the good news of this extravagant salvation with others around you.

other sermons in this series

Jan 27


A Song From The Sea to the Sanctuary

Preacher: Rob Davis Scripture: Exodus 15:1–21 Series: Slaves to Sons

Jan 20


The Gospel According To Exodus

Preacher: Eric Naus Scripture: Exodus 13:17– 14:31 Series: Slaves to Sons

Jan 13


Remember To Remember

Preacher: Eric Naus Scripture: Exodus 12:43– 13:16 Series: Slaves to Sons