We hope you will join us for the study of God's Word and a special time of fellowship. Below is a list of classes that we're planning to offer in the New Year. If you have questions, call or email Paula 520-296-8501 pstark@ccctucson.org.
Author: Cynthia Heald
God promises to give you strength. When encountering the difficulties and obstacles of life, we can find comfort in God’s desire to strengthen and equip His children. Cynthia helps us live into a powerful truth: We can do all things through Christ because we are empowered with inner strength through God’s Spirit. 11 lessons. Cost: $10.00.
SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM - God's Invitation to Life and Joy in the Book of Matthew
Author: Christine Hoover
In this 8-week Bible study Christine guides us in an in-depth exploration of the kingdom of God – what it is, how we enter it, the life Jesus offers us within the kingdom, and how we find joy as His subject. Cost: $22 book with video access.
HERE'S WHERE THE JOY IS - Getting to Know the Captivating God of the Trinity
Author: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Fall in love with the trinity. Does knowing and understanding the triune God affect your faith? Does it matter to your everyday life? In this 7-session study, Tara-Leigh Cobble breaks down this intimidating doctrine into understandable language and engaging concepts to show how foundational and beautiful the Trinity is. Knowing the triune God better will lead to deeper intimacy and greater joy. After all, He’s where the joy is! Cost: $20 book with video access.
EVERYDAY THEOLOGY - What You Believe Matters
Author: Mary Wiley
Theology shapes your life. Theology, the study of God and His work in the world, isn’t just for those with lots of letters after their names or the staff at your church. It is for you in your everyday moments, everyday questions, and everyday decisions. What you believe determines the lens through which you see the world, how you live your daily life, and how you respond to both blessing and disaster. In this study you’ll delve into eight essential doctrines of the faith: Scripture, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times to understand how the foundations of your faith matter in everyday life. Cost: $16.00
JUDGES - Hope of a Deliverer (A Seek and Find Study)
As the book of Judges opens, the Israelites dwell securely in the place of God's promise. These were His covenant people but very quickly the hearts of the Israelites were tempted and tried by the gods of the surrounding nations. Soon, "a generation rose up who did not know the LORD or the works He had done for Israel." With God forgotten, and no leader to guide them, the people consistently fell prey to a cycle of sin and oppression. Those whom God had freed became enslaved once more. As we explore the pages of this book of the Bible, we'll see that we live in a time eerily similar to the days of the judges, a time when even God's own people are prone to do whatever seems right to them. Often neglected because of its disquieting content, Judges is a book of pressing relevance to God's people today. Judges sounds the alarm, warning against the ever-present danger of idolatry, calling for the destruction of our fidelity to the gods of this modern era, beckoning us to devote ourselves completely to God and His ways. Most of all, Judges is a book that bears witness to Jesus Christ, the great deliverer of God's people. It is a book that points to a hope beyond our failings. It is a book for God's people today. Cost: $15.
MOM'S CLASS - (no book selected yet)
Connect with other moms. Moms who work out of the home or in the home. Moms who have a newborn to moms who are empty nesters. No matter where you are in the journey of motherhood this group is to encourage and equip you. Join Priscilla Bouman for refreshing fellowship and time spent in God's Word. Study TBA.
TUES. 11:45AM | FLC-102
Author: Mike Cleveland
Our culture today is saturated with weight loss programs and diets. And yet, obesity is at an all-time high. How is it that we can have so much information yet not experience lasting transformation? The Setting Captives Free Weight Loss Bootcamp study presents the answer to this question and the gospel solution to losing weight. The principles in this study will show how it is possible to live a life without diets, to lose weight, and to keep it off permanently, all while enjoying the change of heart that comes through Christ. Cost: $18.00
TUES. 6:30PM | FLC-101
PSALMS - Pathways to the Presence of God (A Seek and Find Study)
Psalms is the largest collection of poetry in the canon of Scripture. It is an anthology of 150 ancient Hebrew songs, poems and prayers written throughout the history of Israel and then purposely curated into a single volume. The book as a whole is a stunning retelling of the story of Scripture; it summarizes in song the substance of the Old Testament - its narrative, history, law and prophecy. The Psalms model these things through the medium of poetry and song, compositions which were commonly set to music and sung aloud. These writings were purposefully constructed to stick in the readersʼ minds and wedge deep in their hearts, providing us with language to express our emotions to God and templates for how to speak with Him through the various circumstances of life. As we journey through the genres of Psalms over the course of six lessons, we’ll give an ear to the songs of the psalmists in order to better voice our own prayers. Join us as we retrace the psalmists’ footsteps down these time-tested and well-worn pathways to the presence of God. Cost: $18.
WED. PM 6:30PM | FLC-203, Blue-2
JOSHUA - Pursuing the Promises of God (A Seek and Find Study)
Joshua is a book about a faithful God training up a faithful people. It is a book that tells of both victory and defeat, a wondrous display of God’s mercy and His judgment. The book of Joshua both comforts and convicts, challenging its reader to reckon with their own resolve to pursue the promises of God. Perhaps most notably, Joshua is a book that boldly beckons followers of Christ to be strong and courageous - as we follow His lead, trust in His promises, and lay claim to our own inheritance. Cost: $14. Blue-2
The final hours of Jesus’ earthly ministry was spent reassuring His followers of the enduring love He had for them. The gospel of John, Chapters 13-17, is often referred to as The Upper Room Discourse or The Farewell Discourse. As we work through these five chapters, we will get an intimate look at His final hours with His disciples. This will be an immense encouragement to us while simultaneously offering us a motivation to holy living as we learn from Jesus the humility of self-sacrificial love. Teacher: Katy McColm. Cost: None. FLC-203