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Abby Naus


Abby has been a part of the CCC family for about 7 years and is delighted to step in as Interim Director of Children’s Ministries. She and her family (husband Eric and five kids) love Jesus and enjoy being fully invested in the church community.

Abby grew up in Northwest Indiana and eventually moved to Chicago. Attending the Moody Bible Institute, Abby earned her B. Mus. in vocal performance and cultivated a passion for church music, discipleship, leadership development, and church ministry. After working several years as a college Residence Director, Abby served on staff at The Moody Church in Chicago as the Director for Children’s Ministries for 12 years. Abby is passionate about her family, education (homeschool mom!), choral music, and loves to see children and families follow Christ and connect deeply to the local church.