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We are passionate about loving people and leading them to Jesus. We provide many opportunities to impact our community, our city, and beyond our borders. If you have a desire to serve and make a difference, we have a place for you.

Contact Pastor Floyd Morgan to get involved! 296-8501 or

Outreach opportunities

1Mission/Family to Family Mission Trip

Over Rodeo Break in February each year. We partner with 1Mission to build houses for families in Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point). It’s a great way to minister to our neighbors south of us, as well as get to know our own CCC families better. For more information, contact Pastor Floyd or

  • [Click Here] to view a video of our trip from 2020.
  • [Click Here] to apply for our Feb. 22-25, 2024 trip. Applications are due on Dec. 15, 2023.

Bunk Bed Ministry / CARE Portal

If you like working with wood, join the bunk bed making team and help make a difference as we help care for the children in our city through the "CarePortal". If you are interested, contact Pastor Floyd at 296-8501 or


CarePortal is an online platform that brings the needs of hurting children and families in our community to our attention. CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond. As needs are uncovered, social workers can submit requests through the CarePortal to have those needs met. Once submitted, those needs are communicated to a point person in the local church, who then shares the needs with their church body. Requests may be as simple as need for new clothes, a dresser, or maybe even a bunk bed. But responding to meet that need has an incredible impact in the lives of those families. Call the church office and give us your email, and you will be a part of the CCC team! For more information, contact Pastor Floyd at or 296-8501.


New Commandment Men's Ministry

This ministry brings teams of men together each month to provide maintenance, upkeep, and yard work for widows, single moms, and others in need. If you are interested in joining our team please contact David Coder at 520.269.5331, or if you need assistance, please contact Pastor Erwin at the church office, 520.296.8501,

Caring Ministries Food Box Distribution

CCC is partnering with Caring Ministries in packing and distributing food boxes for those in our community who are going thru difficult times. Additional volunteers are needed for packing the boxes on Wednesday morning from 8:00 to 10:00am at Caring Ministries, 820 W. Calle Sur (I-10 and Grant area) and volunteers to distribute food boxes at CCC from 11:00 to 11:30am each Wednesday. Please contact Pastor Floyd at or 296-8501. He will send you an email with complete information. [click here] to watch the video.

Christ Community Cars

Christ Community Cars is a non-profit organization that is Geared to minister to the car community here in Tucson. We hold vehicle inspections throughout the year and have open garage times to work on cars.


Department of Child Safety Partnership / CARE Portal

This city-wide ministry is meeting the needs of hurting families here in our community. [click here] for more details and to join our team!


Good News Clubs (Child Evangelism Fellowship)

We have the privilege of sharing the gospel without compromise in the public elementary schools through this after school program.



We partner with the Christian community here in Tucson to bring about transformation in the city through twelve domains such as business, education, health care, sports, environment, social services, government, and media arts.


Church-School Partnerships

We invest in Dietz K-8 School through service projects, onsite prayer groups, parenting classes and more.


Tucson Homeless Connect/Hope Fest

These are a few events we connect our people to during the year.


Hands of Hope

They serve and support women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. They believe everyone should have access to the proper care and knowledge they need to make the best decision when unsure about continuing with a pregnancy.


Christian Family Care

They are a social service agency that provides programs focused on meeting the needs of children and families in Arizona.


Gospel Rescue Mission

Providing shelter, recovery programs, and spiritual help for the homeless and addicted.


Tutoring Ministry

We tutor and mentor kids at Roberts/Naylor K-8 School.


Sheepfold of AZ

Equipping mothers with children, suffering from homelessness or abuse, for successful independent living with hope for the future.


Food Pantry for the Needy

We provide food boxes for those in our community who need assistance.


Injoy Thrift Store

Volunteer opportunities are available to prepare and stock the store as it supports D.O.O.R. Ministry and Sheepfold of AZ.


Harvest Festival

2500+ of our community merge onto the CCC campus to enjoy an October 31st festival of games, food and fun!


Easter Egg Hunt

Our community turns out in droves as we share the gospel story and look for shiny eggs filled with candy.