I'm sure we have a place for you! If you would like to learn more about our Women's Ministry and any of the programs listed, email Cindyrae Stang at cstang@ccctucson.org or Paula Stark at pstark@ccctucson.org. You can also call us at (520)296-8501.


The heart of our Women's Ministries is our Women's Bible Studies. Being involved in a study of God's Word is so vital to our spiritual growth and maturity. As we allow the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts through God's Word we will find the answers to life's questions. [click here] to learn what the current study options are. 


Isn’t it special to open the mailbox and be surprised by a card or note of encouragement? Do you have a heart for encouraging others? If so, join us the 2nd Thursday of the month, 9:00-10:30a.m. in FLC-203 and we will spend some time writing and addressing notes of encouragement to our CCC shut-ins & our missionaries. We will supply the stationary, postage, and contact info. Be sure to bring your own pen! Coordinator: Patty McCracken 


Is the local pizza delivery outfit on speed dial? Do you rely on drive-thru fast food, expensive restaurant meals, or packaged convenience foods? Make Ahead Meals is your answer! We will offer 6 different entrees for you to purchase and assemble in our kitchen. As part of our ministry of reaching out to others, we ask that you donate one of your entrees back to the church to use in the Ministry Meals. (II Cor. 9:12) Coordinator: Sally Crum (520)419-8204.  


Are you looking for an opportunity to serve? Whether you like to bake a few cookies or prepare a meal or purchase both, this ministry could be just the opportunity you were looking for to reach out and serve the body of Christ. In times of crisis (funeral, surgery or illness) families need special help. Ministry Meals at CCC provides food (whether homemade or purchased) to our church families in such times. The more volunteers on this ministry team, the fewer times you would be called to serve. (II Cor. 9:12) Coodinator: Charlene Wittrock (520)749-5141. 

NEW BEGINNINGS (Widows Fellowship)

When a woman has experienced the loss of her spouse she finds that her life has to be redefined. Friend groups and responsibilities change.  Lifestyle and time schedules have changed.  Starting over is never easy, but New Beginnings will help fill the void of fellowship with other women in the same season of life.  This is a caring, sharing group who meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month for food, fellowship, special activities, and encouragement. (Job 29:13).  Coordinator:  Jackie Gannan (520)886-4025. If interested, check out the monthly calendar for the activity listed or call Jackie. 


Thursdays, 8:30-10:00a.m.
Family Life Center #204

Each Thursday from 8:30-10:00a.m. you are invited to join this gathering of women in the Family Life Center, room #204 to pray for the needs of our church family and staff. (Jer. 33:3 NAS) Coordinator: Luann Heckerman  lheckerman@cox.net


Connection events are great opportunities for our women of all ages (single, married, never married, divorced, widowed, husband deployed) to connect with other women for times of fellowship and encouragement. A variety of activities are planned throughout the year. Watch the bulletin for details.


Explore new trails, meet new friends, enjoy the out-of-doors and God’s creation. Hikes will vary in difficulty. Watch for details on our website. Coordinator: Teresa Harrison


1st Wednesday of the month, 10:00a.m.-noon. 
Join this group of women to learn how to write your life stories to give to family, to friends, to others. Come learn how you can share your story. Co-Facilitators: Becky DeCorse (rebdec505@gmail.com; 520-886-4633) and Judy Daggert (judy@daggert.com; 520-591-2425).


Our mission is to provide a ministry that is for all moms and those with a heart for mothers. To create a supportive environment where moms are encouraged to grow in their personal relationships with God, family, and other moms. Moms Connection offers a community where moms from all stages can learn from, and fellowship with other moms. This ministry is currently on hold and under re-construction. Watch for updates. (Titus 2:3-5). 


4th Monday of the month, 9:00am-noon. Family Life Center #101
If you enjoy sewing and have a heart to serve, come use your gifts and talents to create items to bless those in need and enjoy a time of fellowship with other women. All supplies and sewing machines are provided! Let me know if you can make it so we have enough machines and projects ready. Coordinator: Kim Newhouse (520)885-2393.

YOUNG WOMEN CONNECT (mid-20s to mid-40s)

What could be better than a Girls Night Out?!? Join us as we connect through dinners out, serving and creating. Watch the ebulletin for details or provide us your cell number and we’ll include you in our text invites. Coordinator: Amanda Baker