ChurchCenter is the online or smartphone portal for our church family. The Church Center App is completely FREE and a place where you can explore, engage, and get involved throughout the week. If you do not have a smartphone or do not want to use ChurchCenter from your phone you can still access all the features from our Web portal.


Download on Google Play Store 


  1. Look for "Church Center" app on your mobile device and download it.
  2. Click on ‘Get Started’
  3. It will need to find our church so you can either:
    1. Allow it to access your location & click ‘Christ Community Church’ OR
    2. Don’t allow access and search for our church manually
  4. Click on our church logo and select, ‘This is my church’
  5. Enter your phone number
  6. Enter the login code that will be immediately texted to you
  7. Click on your user profile to log in (Don’t worry…these steps are just to set up the app. You won’t have to do this every time!)