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Covid-19 Info & Update

Our Sunday Worship services are at 9:00am & 11:00am, providing additional time between services to properly sanitize our Worship Center. We are currently offering Classes for infant - 5th Grade at 9am and Middle and Highschool groups are also meeting. During our 11am service we offer Infant care and Kidz Church. Please look over our 3-phase reopening plan chart below outlining our current church programming. 

July 4, 2021

Dear CCC Family,

We give praise and glory to God that due to steadily decreasing Covid 19 rates in Arizona, the improving conditions of our state, and the widespread availability of vaccinations, we are pleased to be moving into PHASE 3 of our church’s reopening plan. Many of our weekly ministries have resumed and others are planned to resume in August. Please refer to our weekly eBulletin or church calender for updates.

Face coverings are NOT required on our church campus, but they are certainly welcome for those who choose to wear them. We leave the matter to your discretion and individual judgment as you kindly consider the needs of your family and those around you.

We are pleased to make corporate worship possible for our more vulnerable members through our livestream. You may access our livestreamed services directly from the homepage of our website, through our church app (Church Center), on Facebook, or on YouTube. 

Please rest assured that we continue to follow a number of sanitization protocols to help us gather safely. 

CCC, thank you for your patience and grace as we strive to make well-informed decisions on behalf on our church family. We marvel at God’s provision, and we welcome His wisdom as we press on in His strength. 

CCC Elders
