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Dal Ibarra

2020_dalI_sepiaI'm Dalamar Ibarra, but I like to go by ‘Dal’ for short. My parents named me after a fictional wizard from the Dragon Lance book series.

Before I came along, they were not believers so a big part of my testimony was witnessing Christ’s sanctification in and through my family. I’ve lived in Arizona for almost 8 years now, hailing originally from Spanaway, Washington where I grew up with 6 of my 10 siblings. I’ve always loved serving others in my church community, and have always felt called to mentor and shepherd the children of God. I have served as a volunteer with CCC middle school ministry for 7 years and had the pleasure of working two summer internships as well. Currently, I am working toward my Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministries and Missions online through University of the Cumberlands.
In my spare time I enjoy practicing guitar, cooking, and the occasional walk with my wife. Misha and I met through serving in the youth ministry at CCC and recently celebrated our third anniversary in January. She has great dance moves, loves the Lord and is just as passionate as I am about youth ministry.
I am so excited to be part of this transition in the ministry. I know I have big shoes to fill and the days ahead will be full of learning, but I trust God’s perfect timing and provision. I can’t wait to see how He uses us to cultivate impactful relationships with students that set foundations on the rock of God and hopefully launch them into a lifelong pursuit of Him. I look forward to partnering with our awesome staff of volunteers to serve the families of CCC by loving and discipling our youth.