The Andersons have dedicated their lives to some 50,000 Ticuna natives located in the Amazon jungle in Peru, Colombia and Brazil. For over 58 years Lambert and Doris have worked alongside Ticuna partners to translate and publish the Word of God in their native tongue which was completed in 2023. The Ticuna Bible is now being distributed throughout the area with much success. In 1996 Ticuna pastors and leaders in Cushillococha requested the Andersons’ help to initiate the Ticuna Bible Institute which now trains approximately 175 Ticuna students annually for ministry. Students, some from villages hundreds of miles away, come to attend the Institute’s program of four cycles of intensive studies. Following each 9-week cycle the students return to their villages to put into practice what they have learned. Upon graduation they go out equipped as pastors, Sunday School teachers and spiritual leaders to teach others of salvation in Christ Jesus using the translated Scriptures and teaching materials. In 2010 a second Bible Institute was initiated in the distant Ticuna village of Betania, Brazil in answer to a request of pastors and authorities from there. Since then, a 10-course program in Biblical understanding and effective Church leadership is being taught. Each course consists of approximately 25 pastors, and has a goal of teaching all 10 courses in a little over a year. In addition, there is work being done currently to adapt the Ticuna Bible for Brazil. Lambert continues working on this project regularly over the internet with two highly qualified Ticuna co-translators with an estimated completion date of 2026.
Wycliffe Bible Translators: P.O. Box 628200, Orlando FL 32862
Birthdays: Lambert-Mar 15; Doris-Dec 18
Wedding anniversary: Jun 2
A deligation from CCC traveled to the Amazon jungles of Peru in 2023 to witness the Ticuna Bible Dedication. The printing of the fully-translated Ticuna Bibles are the culmination of the life work of Doris and Lambert Anderson. We’re put together a video that captures the highlights of the trip, the dedication ceremony, and God’s marvelous work among the Ticunas.